Friday, October 11, 2013

Cheerleading Championships

Cheerleading Coaching Videos

The Champions Cup Cheer and Dance State Nationals is excited to announce that in a few weeks, they will start try outs back up for their inaugural event that will take place in New Orleans, LA on July 14-18, 2014. “Last summer, The Cup had a little over 600 registered athletes for our event and it was a great start!” “Knowing that this would only field about 27 to 30 teams, The Champions Cup Cheer and Dance State Nationals felt that if we didn’t give or deliver the athletes and the industry the “experience” that they were looking for, it ultimately could jeopardize us pulling this off in future years to come” Says Jayson Polad, President of PC Brands. “While we all know that new things take time, we also can agree how frustrating it can be when an event is not what you expected it to be. So, we hope that folks can appreciate that we wanted to get it right the first time out. Thus, this is why we slid the date to July 14-18, 2014 so we could get it right” says PC BRANDS CEO Patrick Cowherd.

“The Champions Cup Cheer and Dance State Nationals have also heard from many of the parents, 252afdaparticipants, gym and dance studio owners, scholastic coaches, and vendors who have replied that they would love to have more time to really plan for this event, both on the financial side and to make appropriate, cost effective travel arrangements and we strongly agree with everyone.” “If given more time, it would allow for more athletes, gyms owners, dance studio owners, schools and coaches to get on board to make sure we really make this an unforgettable experience for everyone” says Cowherd.

The Champions Cup intends to keep the athletes that have already tried out on the state team that they made unless skills have improved, in which case, they can try out for a higher level team without incurring an additional try out fee. 1231473_10151580687941104_1416323170_n

We will be updating the web site over the next several weeks that will be more interactive and that will also include current athletes’ profiles for the state team they made. The new web site will also have a more prominent place for host gyms and host studio logos etc. The Champions Cup has also added a Pro/Semi Pro division for current and former NBA & NFL cheerleader and dancers.

“There are a few more collaborations that are being finalized that will make this a true family event for everyone of all ages. We are more than excited about the new things we have added, and blessed that we went by the saying, ‘measure twice and cut once’ as going back to the drawing board has only made this event solid.” “We are so grateful for the continued support,” added Cowherd. “We are excited that the host gyms and dance studios that we have talked to or have called us back are in this for the long haul and will continue to support the vision.” “The Champions Cup Cheer and Dance State Nationals feels the suggestions that many of have made will help us initiate the best steps to truly making this event remarkable by fielding great teams across the board, and on every level,” says Polad.

Right now is one of the best times to get people involved from your cheer gym, dance studio, school, rec league, special needs, pro or semi pro in your state. If anyone should have any questions please feel to reach out to The Champions Cup Cheer and Dance State Nationals Team.

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